Bibliographic entries by author: Leving, Yuri
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (18 in total).
- Leving, Yuri, "Hide and Seek" (On Possible Prototypes for the Artist Romanov in Nabokov’s The Gift), v. 4, Nabokov Online Journal, 2010, details
- Leving, Yuri, Antipatiia s predystoriei: Nabokovy i Suvoriny v zhizni i v proze, v. 96, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009, details
- Leving, Yuri, Death and Patterns in The Gift (Five Notes), no. 65, The Nabokovian, 2010, details
- Leving, Yuri, Decoding Delirium, or Who will help Chernyshevski?, v. 1, Nabokov Online Journal, 2007, details
- Leving, Yuri, Eystein or Eisenstein? Tricking the Eye in Nabokov's Pale Fire, v. 6, Nabokov Online Journal, 2012, details
- Leving, Yuri, Five Notes on Nabokov's Works, no. 48, The Nabokovian, 2002, details
- Leving, Yuri, Interpreting Voids: Vladimir Nabokov's Last Incomplete Novel, "The Original of Laura", v. 70, no. 2, The Russian Review, 2011, details
- Leving, Yuri, Introduction: Nabokov's "Swan Song" [Shades of Laura], Leving, Yuri, ed., Shades of Laura: Vladimir Nabokov’s Last Novel, The Original of Laura, 2013, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, details
- Leving, Yuri, Keys to The Gift: A Guide to V. Nabokov’s Novel, 2011, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details
- Leving, Yuri, Nabokov and Hemingway: The Fish That Got Away, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
- Leving, Yuri, Nabokov in Motion: Modernity and Movement, 2022, New York: Bloomsbury, details
- Leving, Yuri, On Confusions and Counterfeiters, v. 2, Nabokov Online Journal, 2008, details
- Leving, Yuri, Pattern of Eternity: Pushkin the Graphist - Nabokov the Painter, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details
- Leving, Yuri, Review of Beyond Pornography and Moralism: Three Takes on Interpretation of V. V. Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ by Saveliy Senderovich and Yelena Shvarts, v. 17, Nabokov Online Journal, 2023, details
- Leving, Yuri, Secrets of Nabokov’s literary addressees: Gaito Gazdanov, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details
- Leving, Yuri, Singing The Bells and The Covetous Knight: Nabokov and Rachmaninoff’s Operatic Translations of Poe and Pushkin, Norman, Will, and Duncan White, eds., Transitional Nabokov, 2009, Bern, Oxford, and New York: Peter Lang, details
- Leving, Yuri, Some Reasons for Prof. Pnin to hate Dr. Bogolepov, no. 48, The Nabokovian, 2002, details
- Leving, Yuri, Teaching Nabokov in 3D, Karpukhin, Sara, and José Vergara, eds., Reimagining Nabokov: Pedagogies for the 21st Century, 2022, Amherst: Amherst College Press, details